Customized Training for Long Term Fitness


We make the accidental psychological  benefits of exercise happen on purpose.

For those wanting a results-based approach to exercise & performance. We start with a customized program of well-rounded exercise. From there we look to individualize with additional work or bespoke programming based on your unique goals.

Our Approach

Every athlete has a coach at BPR. From the second you walk in the door, you are partnered with a professional that will guide you and work with you every step of the way.

Your Journey

Schedule an Intro

Come in at a time that suits you, tour the gym, and have a quality conversation about your goals, needs, and wants. We’ll pair you with a coach that matches your personality and has the knowledge and experience to deliver your goals, and get you on your way to training.


When it comes to your physical health, guesswork won’t cut it. We assess your movement and capacity and customize your workouts accordingly. Our aim is to push you just outside your comfort zone where progress is made, but not so far that you feel crushed. Training should improve your life, not hinder it.


Attend the session that suits your schedule best, and train in our friendly, encouraging small group atmosphere. It’s just a bunch of good people chasing dreams, goals, and a clear mind, so you’ll fit right in.

Stay Accountable

Your coach will check in with you daily via our online client portal. We know you’re a self-starter, but everything that’s new requires discipline and effort before it becomes a habit. That’s why your coach is there to give you a push when you need it.

Keep Progressing

Your Fitness membership includes a quarterly 1-on-1 session with your coach. This is all about reviewing progress, gathering feedback (we love growing alongside you, not dictating to you), and planning for our next training block. 

The Summit Never Comes.
Keep Growing.

Within 6-12 weeks, our clients see at least a 30% improvement across body composition and metrics of performance (strength, stability, conditioning) as well as reported improvements in cognitive well-being. 
Luctor et Emergo
– Suffer and Emerge

Customized Training.
Stimulating Discourse.
Radical Health.

1213 N Washington Ave
Dallas Texas 75204
United States
Copyright Behavior & Performance Research 2022
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