
We make the accidental psychological  benefits of exercise happen on purpose.

1213 N Washington Ave
Dallas Texas 75204
United States
We’re a physical and mental training center in Dallas, Texas.
The most radical aspect of our business (meaning one you can’t find anywhere) is the structured method of changing the way our clients think. We systematically coach our clients through logotherapy, hardiness, metacognition, and the latest behavioral therapy in order to deliver the results they are looking for.
Luctor et Emergo
– Suffer and Emerge
We are a group of committed full-time professionals with over 50 years of combined experience and 15 years in business. 
We collaborate and use our combined knowledge of:
Professional Athletics
The Armed Forces
Strength Science
Neuroscience & Applied Cognition
Performance Nutrition 
1213 N Washington Ave
Dallas Texas 75204
United States
Copyright Behavior & Performance Research 2022
Website designed & built by Metcon Creative